Today I decided to go onto my computer to play some StarCraft II or something, to pass the time. Usually when I do this I check twitter before I do anything to see if there’s any news in the idol world. I check H!O, S48 and various other news sites. I never expected to log on and see one of the biggest bombshells that Hello! Project has dropped on fans and wota since the addition of two of the soon to be graduated members, JunJun and LinLin.  I’m in utter shock.  Graduations are always exciting, but I never imagined that my favourite Morning Musume member would be gone so soon.

I understand that changes were necessary to keep Morning Musume afloat, but I never imagined graduating three members at once would ever happen to Morning Musume.  For Eri, I hope she recovers soon.  I can’t believe that she had an illness like that for 7 years and barely let it affect her job.  For JunJun and LinLin, you came together and now you’re leaving together. It’s disappointing to see that they didn’t really get to develop any kind of idol quirk or anything that made them individuals, but instead were grouped together as “Those Chinese Girls.”

Some things I’m excited to see are that while Morning Musume is getting rid of three members, they are also getting rid of some age.  Eri and JunJun were among the oldest members of the group and now that the 9th generation auditions are starting soon, the average age of the group will drastically drop.  If Tsunku’s only looking for 10-17 year olds, the oldest they can be is about Aika’s age, but chances are (especially if he hasn’t completely lost his mind) the new members will be between 10 and 14, so the content of their songs will change a lot too.  Hell, we might even see a new front girl in the new crop.

It’s a lot to take in in just a few minutes, but I’m sure that once things are set rolling the changes will be a lot easier to take.  I’ll lay low on my thoughts of Hello! Project for a while, since most of my interest has waned especially after this announcement.  I really hope the new girls are worth it, and I’ll see you when auditions start.